
Following a pharyngitis that wasn’t healing, I woke up with a swollen face. My eye was almost completely closed. I was urgently operated on because I was diagnosed with septicemia, abscesses in my lungs, and I had a clot in the left jugular vein that had a high chance of causing several strokes. My last … Read more


Click here for Duane’s book! What started out as a minor health annoyance took a turn for the worse. The doctor handling my case called in a doctor from the Stanford Medical Center. After a thorough examination, my doctor was optimistic. He said they were developing a new breakthrough operation for what, until now, had … Read more


There were voices during a life-threatening event. Then I saw and heard deceased or spiritual beings such as angels, archangels, and deceased beings. This was very limited during dying. After surgery when I did die, I hovered above my body. I saw and heard the people in the operating room trying to revive me. I … Read more