Cindy J.

Extreme fear before losing consciousness. Then slowly faded to black. Then I was jolted awake and was moving down tunnel very fast. The noise in the tunnel very loud. I was moving down the tunnel toward white light. I was passing through a membrane or curtain into white light and at same time felt myself … Read more

Yvonne N.

This was written only a couple months after the experience. It is posted in my blog. I was still recovering from major brain surgery and trying to find words for what I had experienced. I gave the surgeon a high-five and told him, ‘You’ll be a rock star!’ as I was being rolled into the … Read more

Mike M.

I liked running at the YMCA in downtown and did so every chance I could. It was a Saturday morning and I had been running for about 15 minutes. Suddenly, I was aware that I was standing over a man who was lying on the ground. Attendants began working on him performing CPR and trying … Read more

Angela M.

MY DEATH I glanced up on the large clock on the wall beside me. 02.45. I must have dozed off. Days and nights seemed to blend into each other as my need for sleep grew more and more inevitable. Pain had become my only friend. I really had no expectations left of recovery. I was … Read more