Jennifer W.

I had undergone stabilization surgery for my unusually severe scoliosis and for a spinal fusion. I spent 13 hours in the operating room and I was told that I had been admitted to my own room for about 3 hours. The nurses were monitoring me as I woke from the anesthesia. After about 10 minutes, … Read more

Joe H.

Bam! ‘That had to be a plane,’ I thought to myself. Nothing else could possibly be moving that fast. The force of the impact had snapped the drivers seat off and I felt the car being catapulted forward. That in itself was alarming. I had been traveling north on I-75 just north of Atlanta, GA … Read more

Angela M.

MY DEATH I glanced up on the large clock on the wall beside me. 02.45. I must have dozed off. Days and nights seemed to blend into each other as my need for sleep grew more and more inevitable. Pain had become my only friend. I really had no expectations left of recovery. I was … Read more


Usually I would be afraid to go into an operation and my daughter (Michelle L. whose NDE account is #3965) tells me she’ll pray for me. Yet, I was unafraid as I went into the operating room. They said the heartbeat going and then they saw a straight line on the monitor. This is probably … Read more

Christian Y.

Good day. On the 8th of July 2013, I was out riding my motorcycle when a car drove through a red light and ran me over. My injuries were so severe, that I went into deep shock and stopped breathing. My experience was very brief and began several minutes after the initial impact. The reports … Read more


When I was younger, my parents were both working full-time jobs. My father was stationed at Fort Bliss and my mother worked various defense or education-related jobs. Thus, I was placed into a summer youth program. I was one of the younger, if not the youngest child, in the program. One summer day, they took … Read more

Jeff D.

I had been shot eight times, including one bullet which impacted my left carotid artery. While being attended to by my two neighbors, both with medical backgrounds, I began to go into shock. Soon, I started experiencing a calmness that was totally out of the norm; especially considering that I had just physically assaulted my … Read more