
I was pregnant with my first child, a girl. I underwent an urgent cesarean section on the June 24, 1978. Immediately after waking up, I felt that something was wrong. I asked for help from the mid-wives but nobody listened to me. Four days went by and finally a surgeon came to see me. He immediately located the problem. I had a hematoma between the belly muscle and the uterus. As the mid-wife had forced me to eat something to gain strength, the surgery could only be performed the next day.

I remained one night between life and death. I felt my strength abandon me, to such a point that death didn’t scare me. I was resigned to die. My father and eldest sister had been allowed to stay with me. The surgeon told them that my life was in the hands of God. I had an infection. The pain was so intense that I got morphine during the whole night. The next morning I was wheeled to the operating theater. I don’t know how much time the surgery took.

I found myself enveloped in an unbelievable white light. I felt good and had no pain anymore; I was like appeased, I felt so much love! That space had no limits. I was part of this space! Then all at once everything disappeared. I woke up in my room.

My mom was with me. She said, ‘Stop shaking your head,’ since I was vigorously shaking my head because I didn’t want to leave this wonderful white paradise.

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