
In Africa I have been stung by mosquitoes getting marsh fevers, naturally it was the ‘plasmodium falciparum’ the most dangerous of them all and the one with the highest morbidity. Since I did not get the usual symptoms of marsh fevers like high temperature, etc. my physician excluded the infection without visiting me. After a week when I was back home, my wife found me unconscious on the bed, and called the emergency number. When the doctor arrived he diagnosed my heart stopped and after an injection in my sternum they carried me to the hospital where the neurologist evaluated me as a closed case. But a doctor, who was my friend, insisted for therapies and after a few days in a coma and a slow recovery that lasted over 3 months, I was back home.

I don’t know when I lived the experience of my travel in this indescribable and wonderful LIGHT, where I have been enveloped with much love and peace finding myself in a place where so much joy could be breathed facing huge and wonderful flowers with intoxicating perfumes. There in that place, I met my parents who passed a few years ago. Only my mother talked to me saying that it wasn’t my hour yet and that I had to go back. Despite my disappointment, she insisted for my return. I talked also with my nephew who died in 1994 from a street accident when he was 18 years old and he too suggested to me that I had to return too. How I wished I could stay! Yet I came back. Only after a few days (also because the first 15 days I could neither move, quadriplegic, nor talk for I was intubated), and being afraid of misunderstandings, I told my account to my wife Cristina. My wonderful experience has erased any fear of death for me because when we die something exists afterwards. But most of all in the afterworld we reunite with our dear ones. Moreover, my belief gives to me the certainty that God is waiting for us with joy.