
I knew I was dying and there was nothing to stop it. My lungs were filling with blood and I knew I was drowning. I began reciting Psalms with no clue how I knew the verses I was reciting. Then I said the Lord’s prayer and asked forgiveness. I asked my dad to help me because more than anything I just wanted to see my dad.

The next thing I knew he was there holding me and telling me everything was alright. I was amazed that he looked about 25 years old. Then I realized I could breathe and wasn’t in the parking lot anymore. There were other people around and they, like my father, were all young. I knew these were all people who knew and loved me in life but had moved on. Then my dad said he wanted me to meet someone. He introduced a man named David to me. I don’t know how I knew, but he was king David from the Bible. David asked if I would pray with him and we recited the Lord’s prayer together. After that, we all talked for awhile. I noticed a man standing nearby and he was watching me the the whole time. I asked if that was Jesus and my dad said, ‘Yes it is.’ I asked why Jesus wasn’t talking to me. My dad said he was making a decision whether to take me then or send me back. I asked my dad what he thought and he said he didn’t know.

After that, a lot of people came and spoke with me. Both, dad and David, stayed with me the whole time. It seemed like I was there for days and spoke with a hundred or more people. Some of these people I had only seen as a baby. I didn’t recognize them but somehow knew who they were when they spoke to me. Some, I knew the second I saw them. After a time my dad said, ‘You have to go back now,’ I knew better than to protest even though with all my heart I wanted to stay.

I never knew how loved I had been, and still am, until this happened. I woke up in the ambulance briefly and died two more times on the operating table. I only left my body once. I will have to describe that as a separate experience.