
That evening, my mother-in-law and her mother were over at my house with my husband and new, baby son. I put our small dog into the area off the kitchen where he slept. I reached over and when I stood up, I felt like something had happened. I began to bleed a small amount. I went to lie down in the bed and elevate my feet. But as time went on, I kept bleeding. It was not fast, but the flow was steady. Meanwhile they were putting things under me to catch any blood, like a towel. About 3 hours later, and we’d gone through all the extra blankets we had, I was passing small clots. So we called the doctor once again and he said to meet him at the hospital emergency room. As I got up off the bed and we walked me slowly into the living room trying to get to the car, I collapsed on the way to the car.

I was no longer in my home. I was in a dark area with nothing around. All of a sudden, on what seemed a wall in the darkness, pictures began to fill in like from a reel of film. The entire area I was looking at, was filled with pictures of me and events in my life. There were hundreds of pictures. What mystified me was that as I looked at them separately or even looking at the entire group, I could feel the emotion attached to every single one of them ALL A ONCE. I can’t explain how to tell you how it happened that I could do that, but I could. I knew every single emotion and experience of the picture and then each one became all of them together. I was able to absorb those feelings all at the same time.

Then I was back on the floor in my home and my family had gotten me into the car. When I got to the emergency room, the doctor came up and lightly pushed on my stomach and a large round blood clot came out. He said, ‘Get her into surgery STAT!’ And from that moment, everything thereafter was normal. I was in the hospital for a couple of days. They had given me several pints of blood and told me that I was very lucky.

And that’s my experience of which I’ve never forgotten how amazing it was to know the human can see all their life and review it in such a way.

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