Michelle L.

The first NDE happened in 1990. It was four months after my son was born. I was in a head-on collision in Amherst, Massachusetts. I was actually the driver and my sister-in-law was in the car with her three children in the back. My son was only four months old and he was sitting in the front seat, in the car seat.

My sister-in-law went up into the windshield, and from what I remember and was told, and what I do know because her skull is deformed to this day, it’s so very hard to talk about, because it traumatizes me to this day, her skull was cracked. I had my seat belt on. The guy hit us so hard that he cracked his steering wheel in half. My front end was totaled. There was no way that any of us should have survived, if you look at the picture (of the damage to the vehicles).

My sister-in –law, what I believed happened, how I died: the rearview mirror was pulled out when we were spinning in a circle from him hitting us. I believe she hit me over the head (with the rearview mirror), because I never went through the windshield, but she smashed me so hard that I died.

The reason why I know I died is that I was in the ambulance, I was laying in the ambulance and I remember the EMTs were around me and I was just out of it. I was just numb. And the next thing I knew, I was floating above my body. My body was laying in the stretcher and my spirit, what I would call my spirit, rose above – there was no body with me. And I saw my body laying in the stretcher. And I remember them trying to get me to come back.

And I kept saying, “I’m okay, I’m okay.” But they couldn’t hear me. And when I saw my body down there, I knew I was dead. Next thing I know, I’m in this green tunnel. It was so peaceful. I never got to the bright light, as other people have talked about: this white light, I’ve heard of that. And my Mom will be telling her story (Elizabeth T., who also had an NDE from surgery for an aneurism). What I do recall is, as I was floating through this tunnel, I heard my son, who was only four months old and couldn’t even talk, (the reason why I know it was my son is that when he started talking, and it was a baby’s voice, that’s what he sounded like after he started talking). At four months old, he shouldn’t have been talking, but I heard, “Mommy, come back! Mommy, come back!”

And when I came back, I came back into my body and they had a neck brace – they thought I had broken my neck. I remember when I came to; I was in such excruciating pain, however when I was in the tunnel, there was no pain. Like I said, I had no body but there was no pain at all. It was just so peaceful. But when I came back into my body, I felt every pain. I had to go for therapy, I had PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) for six months, and I had memory loss pretty bad. Thereafter, about a month or two after, there was an accident up my road (and by the way, I couldn’t get in a car after that for a long time, I couldn’t drive myself, I had to take leave from work.

I couldn’t drive because I kept hearing the thud, the thud (of the collision). It was like, I remember about one or two months later, I heard a “Boom”, the thud, and it was at the top of my road and it was on a main route and I went toward it and I remember, even though I was walking to get across the street to help these people, because I wanted to help them, my legs were moving but it was like, my mind wasn’t going. I don’t know how to explain it. I wanted to help these people but I couldn’t move. I was frozen. And that was that, I had to go for therapy. The ambulance came and they helped them.

The tunnel was beautiful, peaceful.

The second experience was about four or five years later. It was in 1997. I have sleep apnea very badly. In that period, I had another son. In the middle, I had lost a son (my mother will explain something about this in her near-death experience).

I had a miscarriage. I was not too far along, and my mother will explain because she crossed over and saw him. That’s how I know she crossed over, because my ex-husband and I had named him Adam, but she didn’t know that when she had seen him (in her own NDE).

I didn’t know if this is a dream. I was half asleep; I tend to think, after hearing my mother’s story that I could have had another near-death experience and this one being with the bright light. I was laying in bed and I thought that my children were coming in and were shining a bright light in my eyes. My heart was racing, I recall, and I remember thinking it was the end of the world.

I was having a nightmare and was tossing and turning and then God spoke to me and said, “My child, it’s not the end of the world; go back and rest.” But before he had said that, this bright light, white silhouette of either Jesus or an angel, it was so peaceful, right on the edge of my bed and it was pulling me toward it, I felt like I was being pulled toward it, like I was coming out of my body and being pulled toward this light.

And my heart was racing, racing, racing and I laid back into my bed and it’s as if somebody embraced me and this peace came over me and I went back to sleep and the voice in my head said, “It’s okay; it’s not the end of the world; rest my child.” And I went back to sleep and it was so peaceful. That night was the most beautiful night – I can’t even explain it. It was just so peaceful. And that’s my two stories.