Kate M.

(Possible NDE) Unbeknownst to the children in this small town, the building of a community swimming pool had already started before my NDE. This was probably in part, because of all those who were meeting their fate in the river, mostly at a spot called Casey’s pond. I remember driving past Casey’s Pond and seeing … Read more


My grandmother had been sick for several years before she passed with tuberculosis and then later lung cancer. My dream starts that I am shopping in a clothing store and am looking for something on one of those round clothing racks. The store is very crowded with these racks and as I am rounding the … Read more


One night I had a dream that my father was sitting in a purple flowered love sofa in a white room no one around just me and him. I was standing next to the right armrest having such a nice conversation.. He looked younger he had his favorite cowboy red stripe shirt and ray bans … Read more


(ADC from son telling him he was dead, and before he knew his son had died). I went to bed about 11:00 pm. The next thing I knew I heard a voice saying ‘dad, dad!’ When I looked up I saw Sean standing at the right side of the head board. I asked him him … Read more


I saw my dad in my dream. He was my age and in great health. I was at a get together at my husband’s cousin’s home. He was there and I spoke to him. I told him how great he looked. I also told him that it had been so long since I had seen … Read more


My Uncle Joe had just died. He was only 40, and I was devastated by the news. One night while I slept, I dreamed that I was in the cemetery with my mother and my sister. My grandmother’s grave was open. My sister walked over to the grave and looked in. As she was walking … Read more


He had been hospitalized for a while, around two weeks. My parents gave us little information on his condition (I.e. the reason for his hospitalization, his improvement/deterioration, etc) but we went to visit every day. He asked my mother to spend the night there so he wouldn’t be lonely, but I had school so I … Read more


I had another dream with Denise in, previous to this dream and other spiritual experiences, but last night the dream I had with Denise in seemed extremely real and life like. I can still feel her touch on me. It started with me opening the door to an old, broken down house. I went inside … Read more


In my dream, my friend who died two years ago visited me (this is the first time in my whole life I am seeing her in my dream. We were childhood friends and grew up together). We were talking casually and she was trying to reach her brother using her mobile. She told me that … Read more


I have had 4 dreams where my son has visited me. I did not write these down and do not have dates when they occurred, unfortunately. The first one was around 6 months after he passed. I was having a dream that didn’t have anything to do with him, I was at an outdoor carnival … Read more