
My mother passed away from ALS complications in July of 2014. It wasn’t unexpected, the disease tends to take individuals faster the older they are- the doctors had given my mom about 3 years from the date of diagnosis. My mother and I had a close relationship when I became an adult and I considered … Read more


A little background information: My father was my absolute best friend. He raised me as a single parent and after I graduated high school, we became extremely close. We both had very difficult lives but the bond we shared was/is unbreakable. He was diagnosed suddenly with Primary CNS Lymphoma and despite our best efforts, he … Read more

Leslie K.

While asleep, I dreamt of being at a resort in a tropical locale. There were floatable rafts and chairs in the water for visitors, none of which were occupied. Everything around me, from the water to the buildings, appeared clear/muddy and pristine/dilapidated at the same time somehow. The buildings were dark stucco with red roofs. … Read more