
I was not feeling well and I wasn’t paying attention to my driving. I reached an intersection and looked to both sides of the street without much care. I did not see any cars coming, so I continued along my way. Suddenly, I heard a loud car horn followed by a loud crashing sound. At … Read more

Leonard K.

I got sick with appendicitis back when I was 8 years old. This was just like the little boy who helped his father write ‘Heaven Is Real’ only mine happened back in 1963. It was just a month or so before JFK was assassinated. I remember getting sick at the dinner table after playing outside … Read more

Mike M.

I liked running at the YMCA in downtown and did so every chance I could. It was a Saturday morning and I had been running for about 15 minutes. Suddenly, I was aware that I was standing over a man who was lying on the ground. Attendants began working on him performing CPR and trying … Read more

Joe H.

Bam! ‘That had to be a plane,’ I thought to myself. Nothing else could possibly be moving that fast. The force of the impact had snapped the drivers seat off and I felt the car being catapulted forward. That in itself was alarming. I had been traveling north on I-75 just north of Atlanta, GA … Read more

Rob N

My Three Death Experiences Death Number 1 August 15, 2005. In the Detroit area in mid-August, they have what is called the ‘Dream Cruise’. It is the largest car show in the United States and more than one million people flock to this area for the event. Steve and Evelyn, who were my girlfriend’s parents, … Read more