
In mid-September 2010, my friend Amanda from high school died at age 20 after a speeding drunk driver hit her while she was riding her bicycle; he hit her so hard that she flew 200 feet (~60.96 m). Upon hearing about her death, I was completely shocked. I could not pay attention in class. Time … Read more


There were voices during a life-threatening event. Then I saw and heard deceased or spiritual beings such as angels, archangels, and deceased beings. This was very limited during dying. After surgery when I did die, I hovered above my body. I saw and heard the people in the operating room trying to revive me. I … Read more

Bart R.

I have done landings like this thousands of times without any injury. But the sun apparently hid the wires, or at least I had no idea the wires were there. Had I been flying ten inches higher, this would have been a typical landing. I didn’t see the wires and never felt the crash. My … Read more